Relief From IC is possible

ELMIRON® is a prescription medicine indicated to treat bladder pain or discomfort associated with interstitial cystitis (IC)

Is ELMIRON® right for me?

Talk to your provider about your eligibility and the potential risks and benefits of ELMIRON®

How ELMIRON® May Work

IC may be caused by damage
to the protective lining of the bladder
Irritating substances may inflame
the exposed bladder wall
ELMIRON® adheres to the bladder wall
to buffer against irritating substances

How to Take ELMIRON®

Stay focused on treatment.

  • It may take up to 3-6 months for symptoms to see results.
  • Symptom improvement may be gradual. Don’t stop taking ELMIRON® or reduce your dosage just because you are feeling better or because ELMIRON® is not working right away.
  • Talk to your doctor if symptoms do not improve within 6 months of treatment.

Always take ELMIRON® as prescribed

  • The recommended dosage of ELMIRON® is one capsule, 3 times a day.
  • Take ELMIRON® with water at least 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after meals.
  • Follow any other advice your doctor gives you for managing symptoms—for example, avoiding foods that may make your symptoms worse.

Tell your doctor if you experience any side effects.